About ordino

Ordino is a communication and information nodal point, which provides a dynamic, up-to-date, immediate and versatile promotion, valid, prompt and detailed information and an easy way of searching actors and crew of all skills. It's a unique database in Greece which consists of continuously updated actors', technicians', companies' and productions' files and being a valuable well of information, it is often being visited by both Greek and foreign interested parties.

Ordino has created a complete toolbox for producers and directors. The toolbox containts several applications (search forms, interactive casting calls, interactive audition organization, etc.) to help search and communicate easily and quickly with actors and crew members. These applications are currently available only in Greek and you can read about them in Greek or in English via Google Translate.

For producers and directors that don't speak Greek we have created a free application in English that helps them search in our subscriber actor database by viewing photos and using criteria such as gender, acting age, weight, height and language. To use the application you must first register and login.
For the additional services in Greek not present in the global edition (interactive casting calls, interactive audition organization) we can utilize the applications under your guidance.

We would be more than glad to cooperate with you in case one of your productions takes place in Greece or if you are in need of a Greek actor for a foreign production.

Further details may be requested by e-mail: ordino@ordino.gr

Some of our 6955 actors (refresh the page to see more)